6th Grade Gifted Magnet Students Travel to Westwood-UCLA

The gifted magnet program has partnered with UCLA through its "Design for Sharing" K-12 curriculum. The purpose of the program is to expose students to various types of visual and performing arts. The entire 6th grade class was invited to view "The Intergalactic Nemesis" on Nov. 4, 2013 at Royce Hall on the campus of UCLA.

The students were able to experience an interactive play whereas three characters, one film tech, and one sound effect specialist brought an entire dramatic comic book story to life. The students then had lunch in Ackerman Hall with the rest of the college students, and they also learned about some of the great architiecture found on the UCLA campus. In addition, they walked up the infamous "Bruin Walk." 
A great time was had by all - our Audubon
Elite Eagles are truly college bound!